I find most little children to be kinesthetic learners. They love moving about while they learn and using their senses simultaneously. Building numbers using magnetic
Category: Homeschool

There is a wide variety of maths activities for preschoolers nursery maths activities on the internet, such as Pinterest and Instagram. If you had tried

Family-themed learning activities for our 3-year-old tots this month A DYI whiteboard to introduce vocabulary related to our family, both in English and Mandarin. Other

The theme for our 35-month old twins was “Weather”. We had so much fun creating weather scenes, read and learned words related to weather. Their

We worked on Our Body and Five Senses for over 2 months. I wasn’t quite sure how much the tots can understand and absorb. So

We had lots of fun learning about bugs in August. These are the creepy- crawlies that we covered. Ladybug The ladybug is my toddlers’ favourite,

From animals that swim, we moved on to the Bird Theme. Owl Owls are well-loved by children, presumably because it is easy to find lovely

The tots have gone through themes on the farm animals and safari animals, so I thought I should gently move them into a relatively new

Moving on from the safari theme, which we could never get enough of, we went on with the farm animal theme. These were some of

On the second month of our homeschooling adventure, we focused on the safari animals. Like most toddlers, my twins have a keen interest in animals.