This trip to Chiang Mai was filled with memorable food experience. Not only the food was excellent and affordable, but I also love how the
Category: Chiang Mai

Just as I was trying to start this post, my big girl walked past me, saw the caption and commented,” Oh! I liked this place!”

I never thought we would be zooming through the Chiang Mai jungle trees but yes, we did! The adventure park was highly recommended by my

We drove up Mon Jam late in the morning from the nearby Mori Natural Farm. The ride took us less than 30 minutes. There are

Some of you probably know that we are suckers for nature, and our travel itinerary will usually include some nature getaway. We stayed up in

Chiang Mai is often considered the Northern Capital of Thailand. Its misty mountain, the cooling climate during the year-end, relaxed vibes, excellent shopping and good