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Category: School Matters

Every child will have a different experience when they enter primary school. Some may encounter separate anxiety, while others cannot get accustomed to the more

After attending #2’s kindergarten graduation ceremony, I felt the urge to share my children’s preschool experience. They had lots of fun, made good friends, prepared

It is just so typical of me, over-enthusiastic and overly anxious… I joined the Parent Support Group (PSG) in my first-born’s primary school on his

Half a year has passed and I saw a significant growth in my 7-year old son. While he remained babyish in some areas, he has developed

It was the first week of school, a new experience for us and our P1 boy. All primary schools will switch to a single session,

It is so exciting! No.1 will be entering Primary 1 next year, and we attended the P1 orientation talk with great delight. Check out my

Like most parents in Singapore, I have difficulties getting my children to work on their mother tongue, Mandarin. They hate it. No.1 and No.2 are now