Many mummies asked for recommendations when they buy toys for babies. Since we have accumulated so many infant toys, as in boxes of them, I
Category: Everything Else

I want to max out the opportunities for my 7-year-old and 6-year-old to play before their school starts piling them with endless school holiday homework.

Ok, the middle child syndrome has infiltrated into our family, slowly and quietly. We did try hard to preempt it from happening. I am picking up

One of the values I hope to inculcate in my children has always been resilience. It is the mental strength to recover from setbacks and

I was inspired to write this short post after meeting up with my good friends earlier this week. Because I am now a full-time mother, I

One night, we read our first Amelia Bedelia book and my children roared with laughter. I have not seen them laughing so hysterically after reading

Busy Wheel Series in Chinese I mentioned previously that my children never like Mandarin. While it is hard to get them interested in reading Chinese

I have been nominated by Audrey from Living For Experiences for the Liebster Award. I am deeply humbled by Audrey’s nomination and I want to say a

Our twins have arrived! It is time for us to select the bank for setting up our Child Development Account (CDA) again. We did some fact-finding on the

My husband is a frequent traveller, and my children are all so used to it. In fact, through him, they got to know different continents,