I created Chinese flashcards for my Primary 3 and 4 children last year to help them revise for their year-end examinations more efficiently.
By focusing solely on the texts, we could speedily narrow down to the words that the kids were unfamiliar with.
We zoomed into these unfamiliar words, repeatedly flashed them over days, or even weeks, and tested them on the word recognition, hanyu pinyin and their meanings. We can also sort the cards based on similar-looking words on helping them distinguish the differences.
I prefer using flashcards instead of aimlessly going through stacks of assessment books, which they resist. That does not mean we don’t go through written work. We do, and we will attempt past years’ papers too.
Note that this flashcard strategy is good for kids with a weak Chinese foundation who probably dislike Mandarin like mine. If you have a child who is well-versed in Chinese, going through flashcards may not be necessary.
I have created the Primary 5 Chinese Flashcards printables, created based on the words taught in our 快乐伙伴 for Standard Chinese.

Sharing them here.
Download the Primary 5 Chinese Flashcards Here

Simply enter your email address to download the Primary 5 Chinese Flashcards. Do note that you will also subscribe to my blog when you download the materials here.
Primary 5A Flashcards
Primary 5B
Please check against your textbooks for any changes. The syllabus will change over the years.
I would appreciate it if you could like my Facebook Page to render me some support in return for giving out this free resource.
How to use the flashcards:
Print the Primary 5 Chinese Flashcards in colours. I have segregated the words into red and black. It is necessary to learn to spell the words in red, whereas, for the black ones, the kids only need to recognize them.
Just like the P1 and P2 versions of the 字宝宝, the characters are not accompanied by hanyu pinyin, so they can practice recalling the words without any guide. You can choose to write the hanyu pinyin behind the printouts if you wish.
In case you have younger kids, find the relevant printables in the links below,
P3 printable Chinese Flashcards
P4 printable Chinese Flashcards
P6 printable Chinese Flashcards
I always laminate printables that I know I will repeatedly be using.
Check out the laminator* and laminating sheets* which I am using. No complaints!
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