Salt painting is so fun. Instead of our usual tempera paint, we use watercolours, salt and glue for some variety.
Painting with salt is such a therapeutic process. Seeing how the vibrant colours spread over the salt and blend with other colours attracts my kids to carry out this activity repeatedly.

How to Salt Paint
Salt painting is easy, especially since I am not expecting a fabulous piece of artwork from the kids.
First, squirt white glue on a piece of paper to form a design. Thicker glue lines will catch more salt later on and help with the clarity of the artwork,
Depending on your child’s ability, you can either let him / her squirt the glue or do it on your own. Our first piece of salt painting was randomly put together by the kids. What an excellent opportunity for them to splash glue all over the paper without getting an earful from mummy!
Next, sprinkle a generous amount of salt over the glue. Make sure that the salt covers the glue entirely. I prefer to use a tray for this to catch salt falling off the paper.

Last comes the star of the show. Dab watercolours over the mixture of salt and glue, and see how the watercolour moves on its own.

My three-year-old girl never fails to be mesmerised by the magical process of salt painting. As such, she can last much longer in this activity as compared to some others.
We have recently incorporated learning numbers into salt painting too. That made learning so much more enjoyable.

While salt painting looks messy, it is not too difficult to clean up since salt dissolves in water. However, I wouldn’t want to leave the dried-up works lying in the house as the artwork cracks very easily. Thus I will suggest to take a photo of the artwork for remembrance and throw the original piece away.
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Materials I use for this activity
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