I find most little children to be kinesthetic learners. They love moving about while they learn and using their senses simultaneously.
Building numbers using magnetic tiles help the little ones to recognise numbers and internalise what they learn better. Magnetic tiles are commonly for the munchkins to creatively build rockets, castles or dollhouses, regardless whether their designs are 2D or 3D.
In our activity here, the twins refer to the number cards and build numbers using magnetic tiles. This activity exercises their visual-motor skills. It is not easy for young children to process this visual information and reproduces them.

Our twins play with their magnetic tiles day in day out, pretending to make pizza or birthday cakes. It gets boring after a while.
Their eyes brightened up when I showed them another way to play with the blocks. They are very keen to fiddle with numbers these days. They trace, paint and count on daily.
Now for the first time, they built numbers using their favourite magnetic tiles. They were ecstatic when they accomplished a number on their own. But they became frustrated quickly too when some of the figures get too complex, and they fumbled in the building process.
I don’t think this activity can be used for independent play if the kids are too young. I intend working with my girls for some time before leaving the cards casually on the table as part of our invitation to play.

If you are keen to engage your little one with this activity, you can get my Magnetic Tile Number Cards for a token.
[wp_cart_button name=”Magnetic Tile Number Cards” price=”2.90″ file_url=”https://www.mychirpylife.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Magnetic-Tiles-for-Numbers-final-secured.pdf”]
Note: upon payment, you will find the pdf format of the number cards in your inbox.
The set of magnetic tiles we use is from Children Hub*, mid-range priced and very durable. Nonetheless, you do not have to use the same brand as me. We are using squares and triangles, which are very common in most magnetic tile sets.
My number cards set consists of A4 size number 0 – 9, as well as two numbers in a sheet. You can print out whichever size you prefer and laminate* them for durability.
Use the cards as inspiration when building numbers with magnetic tiles. See sample here.

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*contains affiliate links at no additional cost to you.