“Tayo, Tayo, Tayo, Tayo, he’s a friendly little bus.
Speeding up, slowing down, Tayo always loves to run
Tayo, Tayo, Tayo, Tayo, he’s a friendly little bus.
Speeding up, slowing down Tayo’s always having fun”
Familiar song to you?
The Tayo Little Bus Song often rang in my ear while I was working in the office. My elder ones used to watch the Tayo Little Bus show very often at home, and even till today.
So when I brought the twins there for a session of play, they were super jealous. Sorry guys, you needed to attend school that morning.
Tayo Station
Like all indoor playgrounds, we need to wear socks in order to play on the premises. We left our shoes on the open shelves near the entrance and bags in the locker ($1) before we proceed to explore the playground.
Tayo Station is not small. The tots took a while to orientate themselves before deciding where they should start first.

Toddler Play
They decided to start with the Toddler Play area, which is equipped with a cute Tayo slide and a huge inflated Tayo slide.

The setup was simple. So after a few rounds of sliding down, they moved on Poco’s Hinoki Play.
Poco’s Hinoki Play
Instead of the messy sand play, the operator imported Hinoki wood cubes from South Korea for the little ones to dig, scoop and pour.
According to this website, Hinoki relieves anxiety and stress, improve immunity and respiratory system. This seems like a great corner for our little critters to linger in. However, our tots and babies should be supervised by adults at all times as the hinoki cubes are choking hazards.

Tayo’s Road Circuit
We stared longingly at the road circuit every time we passed by the indoor playground. And finally, we got our chance to play!
Tayo’s Road Circuit is a fantastic space for kids to learn to “drive” on roads, read traffic sign and observe basic traffic rules. Since we went on a Friday morning when most kids were in school, there was not much traffic to avoid. It was great for my tots who were just experiencing their first time “driving”.

The little blue Tayo bus is perfect for toddlers to go for a spin.

A little corner is shown below for kids to name the vehicles. Perfect for small children who love vehicles.

Gani’s Playground
The tots had rounds and rounds of fun in Gani’s Playground.

I accompanied them to climb the jungle gym for a couple of rounds, and that earned me an entire day of body ache on the next day. Couldn’t keep up with them. And I am so thankful that they were happy enough to play and run by themselves in the jungle gym for the next 30 minutes.

The jungle gym was a safe playground for the kiddos. Tayo Station was opened in the middle of 2018. After a year of ravaging by the little terrors, the gym still looked well maintained. The surrounding frames were all padded securely. cushions were properly attached and in good condition, and there were no torn nets. At least I did not spot any. Best of all, the jungle gym continued to smell fresh and clean. I did not have to worry about the place’s hygiene at all.
In fact, the operator requires guests to pay a clean-up fee of $25 in case of any unfortunate incident such as a leaked diaper or vomit.

There are 2 slides in the gym and are probably not suitable for younger children. The open slide, as shown above, is steep and the ride down for us was fast. My dare-devils thoroughly enjoyed the thrill, but again, it is not for everyone.
The second slide is a tunnel that starts from the 3rd level and is entirely dark inside. So for kids who are sensitive to light, this may be a little challenging.
Cliff Ball Pool
We spent a long while at the Cliff Ball Pool. It was where they jumped and dived into the ball pool. I was so relieved that there were only a couple of children on a Friday morning. Otherwise, my two little rascals would be knocking down every other kid playing in the ball pool.

All in all, we spent over 2 hours at Tayo Station. I was really tired out by all the running and climbing, but my kiddos remained very energetic and had many more rounds of the jungle gym before they were willing to leave the premises.
The great thing about going on a weekday is that playtime is unlimited. The staff there even encouraged us to go to lunch and return for many more rounds of play. But my wobbly legs told me that I needed to bring the tots home before I get into trouble with them. And true enough, the tots almost fell asleep during the short bus ride home. Can’t imagine carrying the two sleeping kiddos down the bus and walking back.
Keen to have a round of countless play in Tayo Station?
Here is the address:
E!Hub, Downtown East, 1 Pasir Ris Close, Level 3, S(519599)
Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 11.00am – 8.00pm
Sat, Sun, PH & School Holidays: 10.00am – 9.00pm
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