I have been practising some beginner yoga positions to calm down my spirits which at the same time energized my dull and aching body.
I also have some favourite morning poses that I incorporated into my wake-up routine. These poses woke me up and load me with positive energy to face the day.
What yoga exercises to practice for morning energy?
Yoga is one of the best workouts that you can do in the morning when you have unimaginable laziness (I do not know you, but I am sure), and you want to find a way to revive your body and mind. Discover together the yoga exercises that give you energy and tone your muscles.
Regular yoga exercises are essential for body mobility. You will notice how your muscles will tone up and the pains located in various areas of the body will disappear. Although I have called this article as one dedicated to energizing the body, I will mention all the benefits and the many other benefits that they have, because yoga has many benefits including for our body health. If you are in East Grand Rapids, you can find gyms or clinics that offer sessions like the Yoga Grand Rapids website link.
Exercise for the butt, inner thighs, abdomen and shoulders (Virabhadrasana 2)
Stand right, move your legs apart shoulder length and have your right foot pointing towards the right of your body. Bend your right knee until it forms an angle of about 90 degrees. Ensure that your knee is perpendicular to your right ankle. Your left foot should remain in the original position, with the entire leg straighten but slanted since you have
Raise both arms until they are parallel to the ground at your shoulders and keep your palms down. Exhale and inhale five times, only on the nose, while holding this position. Ensure your spine in straight with your tailbone tuck in. Change legs and repeat. This exercise works well with the muscles of the legs and arms but also strengthens your abdomen.
In this position, you stretch your pelvis, abdomen, and shoulders, open your chest and lungs, increase energy and concentration, energize tired legs, stimulate abdominal organs, develop balance and stability, improve circulation and breathing, have therapeutic effects on sciatica and osteoporosis.

Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash
Exercise for back, ankles, and legs (Utkatasana – seat position)
Stay with your feet close, your shoulders relaxed, your arms along your body. Breathe deeply and raises your arms over your head, palms facing each other. Try to ensure your arms are straightened and stays behind your ears.
Bend your knees as much as you can, until your thigh is parallel to the ground if possible. Make sure that you can still see your knees. Your butt is naturally pushed down. Your body will lean forward to maintain balance. Ensure a straight spine with your tailbone tucked in. A common error is to allow the tailbone to stick out to the back.
This exercise works the leg muscles, protecting the more sensitive areas around the knees. However if you have pain in your lower back or feel faint halfway through, avoid the pose.
This position strengthens the thighs, ankles, legs, and knees. It is also good for stretching the shoulders, opening the chest and the heart and toning the abdomen. See more.

Training for the buttocks and back of the foot (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Lay down on the mat with your body facing up, and both feet hip apart.
Place your arms alongside your body.
Press your upper arms and shoulders against the floor. Slowly lift your buttock away from the floor towards the ceiling. Your elbow will bend when doing this. Put both hands together and interlace your finger under you. Extend your body by moving your knee towards the end of the mat. Take a few breaths here before lowering your body back to the mat.
This position stimulates the internal organs, so it may help digestion, control the central nervous system, act as a natural remedy against depression, reduce the symptoms of menopause, reduce headaches and back pain, improve circulation like most yoga positions, benefit asthma, osteoporosis, blocked sinuses and hypertension.
Benefits of Practicing Yoga
Most practitioners who first resort to yoga for meditation will find out in time, often very surprised, that the general condition of the body has amazingly improved. Not only the body becomes more flexible, but mental stress also goes away miraculously too. Patients with chronic conditions often resort to yoga to calm and heal the body too.
Over time, yoga has proven to be an essential alternative therapy to complement modern medicine. It should be regarded as an adjuvant, and not as a curative, curative therapy.
Several studies have also been conducted that have shown that yoga can be useful in supplementing antihypertensive treatments, reducing tension by eliminating environmental stress. One of the factors that increase blood pressure is stress because the body releases particular hormones in such situations, which eventually lead to marked increases in blood pressure. It has also been shown that yoga can also influence the well-being of the body, and may improve the general condition of patients with asthma. It even seems like a yoga program lasting for at least six months has beneficial effects on multiple sclerosis, reducing the fatigue and lethargythat patients with this disease experience in a continuous way.
Safety of practicing yoga
Specialists consider yoga as a safe practice. However, as with all alternative and complementary treatments, it is best for the treating physician to be informed if the patient practices or wishes to practice yoga. Because the positions require some physical resistance, some patients with arthritic disorders may have relative contradictions for such exercises.
Additional info: https://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/the-health-benefits-of-yoga
Like any physical activity, and before starting yoga exercises, it is recommended to have a light stretching, a few minutes of warming, to avoid the appearance of muscle lobes or other such specimens.
Practically safe, along with a professional, yoga has many benefits for the entire body, and it can be a solution to overcome the daily stress that seems to suffocate us more and more.