We have been to the Civil Defence Heritage Gallery multiple times. The fire station is every boy’s fascination, and so is my boy’s. Therefore we went
Month: January 2018

Our babies eat home-cooked food almost every day. Brown rice porridge with some steamed vegetables and fish or meat, coupled with the soup we drink

The Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden is now the most extensive children garden in Asia. The site was previously 2-hectare big and was the first garden in

I appreciate meaningful toys, toys that allow children to use their limbs, as well as cultivate their creativity and imagination. We were shopping for Christmas presents

Presenting our favourite playground in Pasir Ris Park! With the lush canopy shading the huge playground and cool breeze from the sea, we often found

One of the activities we try to carry out during the school holiday is to go for green walks. Good for our mind, eyes and

Happy New Year! I know…writing a post to reflect on 2017 is so cliche and perhaps boring to the readers. So I tried to draft