I have been nominated by Audrey from Living For Experiences for the Liebster Award. I am deeply humbled by Audrey’s nomination and I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to her!
The nomination is a big encouragement to me and will really motivate me to blog more. Go check out Living For Experiences, a lifestyle and travel blog with great posts and fantastic photographs on places in her home country Singapore and destinations overseas, as well as Audrey’s thoughts on simplifying life.A F
What is Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. It’s a great way to discover great blogs by new bloggers and support one and another in the blogging community. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
Rules of the Award
Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blogs. (To my nominees: Please drop me a note or pingback if you post the nomination in your blog so that I won’t miss it.)
Answer the questions sent by the person who nominated you.
Nominate other bloggers to receive the award and write them several new questions.
List the rules and display the Liebster Award logo in your post and/or your blog.
I am nominating…
The Gyneco-bLogic
Eat, Cook, & Live, with Me
Wanderfully Living
How To Start “Adulting” (Yes, there is such a thing)
James Proclaims
My Answers to Audrey’s Questions
What is the story behind your blog’s name?
My blog’s name is a reflection of my personality (or at least I hope). I am generally a cheerful person and try to look at things positively. I hope my blog can convey the same positivity to the readers.A T
Why did you start blogging?
My decision to start a blog is triggered by my twin pregnancy. It is uncommon (though not rare) to see families with more than 3 children in Singapore. I reckon having 4 kids and relying on a single income will be a challenge for my family going forward. I want to log my experience as a mum of 4 and share with young mums some tips / information that I discover along the way.
What, according to you, is the best thing about blogging?
After I started the blog, I realize that blogging is beneficial to a stay-at-home mum like me. Just like what Audrey said, blogging is not about writing a journal, but writing with your audience in mind. Further, through blogging, I learn new skills related to writing, photography, setting up a website, and acquire new knowledge when I research for a post. This helps me to maintain my sanity as a stay-at-home mum with 4 children below 7 and allows me to remain connected with the world.
What is/are your goal(s) for 2017?
2017 will be a very busy year for me. Amidst looking after my 2 newborns and shifting into a new place, I will also work towards slimming down, learning to drive and be successful with my blog.
Where are you from and what is the most common stereotype or misconception about your home town/state/country?
I am from Singapore, a tiny island-state in Southeast Asia. Singapore is not a city in China.
What kind of traveler are you – spontaneous or planner?
I am definitely a planner. Before I have kids, my husband and I would finalize accommodation and travel itinerary before we travel. Now that we have children, certainty is a must.

Share your worst travel experience ever.
In 2003, I took a flight from Sapporo to Tokyo for transit back to Singapore. Half an hour into the journey, one of the engines broke down and the plane had to return to Sapporo to make an emergency landing. Most of us in the plane had a bad fright. Many applauded after the plane landed safely in the airport.
What is one important lesson you have learnt in your travels?
When I was much younger, I was ambitious and wanted to cover more grounds when travelling. Through my travels with friends and my husband, boyfriend then, I learned that travelling with someone else requires kindness and patience. Everyone is different and has varying stamina and interest.

My Questions to My Nominees
Name one of your bucket list items and why.
What makes you start blogging?
How has blogging benefited you
Tell us about your best travel moment?
Who inspire you the most and why?
Share your guilty pleasure?
Which book would you recommend to read in 2017 and why?
What is your favorite quote?
thumbs up for your post..really enjoyed to read this
Melissa, we have just uploaded our liebster award acceptance out if you wan to go and check it out!
Thanks so much for the nomination Melissa it means the world! we’ll putting up our post tonight